( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function news_label::get_page_info_by_class(), 1 passed in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\base\include\class\base_label.class.php on line 46 and exactly 2 expected in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\news\include\class\news_label.class.php on line 93 |
( ! ) ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function news_label::get_page_info_by_class(), 1 passed in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\base\include\class\base_label.class.php on line 46 and exactly 2 expected in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\news\include\class\news_label.class.php on line 93 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0002 | 362456 | {main}( ) | ...\img.php:0 |
2 | 0.0003 | 363048 | require_once( 'C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\entrance.php ) | ...\img.php:9 |
3 | 0.0005 | 367720 | load::module( $path = ???, $modulename = ???, $action = ??? ) | ...\entrance.php:94 |
4 | 0.0005 | 367720 | load::_load_class( $path = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\app/system/img/web/', $classname = 'img', $action = 'doimg' ) | ...\load.class.php:120 |
5 | 0.0397 | 770104 | img->doimg( ) | ...\load.class.php:243 |
6 | 0.0409 | 772752 | web->template( $file = 'tem/img' ) | ...\img.class.php:19 |
7 | 0.0411 | 772816 | common->view( $file = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\templates/metv6/img.php', $data = ['class1' => '70', 'class2' => NULL, 'class3' => NULL, 'classnow' => '70', 'page' => NULL, 'id' => 0, 'lang' => 'en', 'synchronous' => 'en', 'module' => '5', 'page_title' => 'Case-Guangzhou Kefan computer Software Co., Ltd.', 'releclass1' => '70', 'releclass2' => NULL, 'releclass3' => NULL, 'name' => 'Case', 'foldername' => 'img', 'filename' => '', 'bigclass' => '0', 'samefile' => '0', 'no_order' => '2', 'wap_ok' => '0', 'wap_nav_ok' => '0', 'if_in' => '0', 'nav' => '1', 'ctitle' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'content' => '', 'description' => '', 'list_order' => '1', 'new_windows' => '0', 'classtype' => '1', 'out_url' => '', 'index_num' => '0', 'access' => '0', 'indeximg' => '', 'columnimg' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/public/images/kf200soft.gif', 'isshow' => '1', 'namemark' => '', 'releclass' => '0', 'display' => '0', 'icon' => '', 'nofollow' => '0', 'sub' => 0, 'url' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/img/img.php?class1=70&lang=en', 'target' => '', 'page_keywords' => 'kfsoft', 'page_description' => 'KF20Soft enterprise content manager system', 'list' => 1] ) | ...\web.class.php:366 |
8 | 0.0412 | 773176 | engine->dodisplay( $file = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\templates/metv6/img.php', $mod = ['class1' => '70', 'class2' => NULL, 'class3' => NULL, 'classnow' => '70', 'page' => NULL, 'id' => 0, 'lang' => 'en', 'synchronous' => 'en', 'module' => '5', 'page_title' => 'Case-Guangzhou Kefan computer Software Co., Ltd.', 'releclass1' => '70', 'releclass2' => NULL, 'releclass3' => NULL, 'name' => 'Case', 'foldername' => 'img', 'filename' => '', 'bigclass' => '0', 'samefile' => '0', 'no_order' => '2', 'wap_ok' => '0', 'wap_nav_ok' => '0', 'if_in' => '0', 'nav' => '1', 'ctitle' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'content' => '', 'description' => '', 'list_order' => '1', 'new_windows' => '0', 'classtype' => '1', 'out_url' => '', 'index_num' => '0', 'access' => '0', 'indeximg' => '', 'columnimg' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/public/images/kf200soft.gif', 'isshow' => '1', 'namemark' => '', 'releclass' => '0', 'display' => '0', 'icon' => '', 'nofollow' => '0', 'sub' => 0, 'url' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/img/img.php?class1=70&lang=en', 'target' => '', 'page_keywords' => 'kfsoft', 'page_description' => 'KF20Soft enterprise content manager system', 'list' => 1] ) | ...\common.class.php:410 |
9 | 0.0416 | 773760 | kefa_view->display( $tplFile = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\templates/metv6/img.php', $cacheTime = ???, $cachePath = ???, $contentType = ???, $show = ??? ) | ...\engine.class.php:20 |
10 | 0.0466 | 839792 | include( 'C:\www\kf200.cn\cache\templates\_508b9896.php ) | ...\kefa_view.class.php:112 |
11 | 0.2421 | 928232 | tag_label->get_page_html( $classnow = '70', $pagenow = 1 ) | ...\_508b9896.php:1052 |
12 | 0.2423 | 928272 | base_label->get_list_page_html( $classnow = '70', $pagenow = 1 ) | ...\tag_label.class.php:87 |
13 | 0.2423 | 928272 | news_label->get_page_info_by_class( $id = '70', $type = ??? ) | ...\base_label.class.php:46 |