

  • BIM技術在建筑工程中的應用現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展前景

         BIM技術是數(shù)字技術在建筑業(yè)中的直接應用,正在引領建筑行業(yè)一次史無前例的變革。近年來,隨著我國經濟的高速發(fā)展,建筑工程行業(yè)已經是我國國民經濟的重要支柱產業(yè)。建筑行業(yè)規(guī)模逐步擴大,伴隨著科技不斷發(fā)展,建筑業(yè)科技含量也在穩(wěn)步提高。本文BIM實施落地的幾大難題進行分析,并給出相應解決對策。 一、BIM技術概述   BIM技術要對建筑工程中出現(xiàn)的

    2019-07-15 365

  • BIM對提高工程管理人才的綜合素質有四個影響

    作為涵蓋范圍非常廣泛的知識體系,BIM能夠從多個方面提高工程管理人才的綜合素質。主要有四大方面的素質:專業(yè)能力、實踐能力、溝通協(xié)調能力、職業(yè)競爭力。詳情見下文內容。BIM定義:建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)是以建筑工程項目的各項相關信息數(shù)據作為模型的基礎,進行建筑模型的建立,通過數(shù)字信息仿真模擬建筑物所具有的真實信息。它具有可視化,協(xié)調性,模擬性,優(yōu)化性

    2019-07-15 206

  • 迪拜,要求必須建立一個BIM模型的背后


    2019-07-15 343

  • vr虛擬建筑

    2019-05-27 484

  • BIM技術在高速公路機電工程中的應用

    目前,BIM(building information model,建筑信息模型)技術在國外的工程管理上已得到大量應用,特別是在大型、復雜工程的管理中,其產生的社會效益和經濟效益得到業(yè)界廣泛關注和普遍認可。根據高速公路機電工程施工階段的管理特點和實際需求,本文從BIM技術的管理優(yōu)勢、應用方法、未來趨勢等多方面進行了探討,并提出了現(xiàn)階段施工管理BIM應用的系統(tǒng)流程、技術需求和應用措施,為高速公路機電

    2019-05-09 223

  • BIM的真正基礎是模型質量!


    2019-03-21 183

  • 軟件著作


    2018-12-01 146

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function news_label::get_page_info_by_class(), 1 passed in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\base\include\class\base_label.class.php on line 46 and exactly 2 expected in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\news\include\class\news_label.class.php on line 93
( ! ) ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function news_label::get_page_info_by_class(), 1 passed in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\base\include\class\base_label.class.php on line 46 and exactly 2 expected in C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\news\include\class\news_label.class.php on line 93
Call Stack
10.0002361072{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0002361664require_once( 'C:\www\kf200.cn\app\system\entrance.php )...\index.php:8
30.0004366336load::module( $path = ???, $modulename = ???, $action = ??? )...\entrance.php:94
40.0004366336load::_load_class( $path = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\app/system/news/web/', $classname = 'news', $action = 'donews' )...\load.class.php:120
50.0496915872news->donews( )...\load.class.php:243
60.0510918520web->template( $file = 'tem/news' )...\news.class.php:60
70.0511918600common->view( $file = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\templates/metv6/news.php', $data = ['class1' => '79', 'class2' => NULL, 'class3' => NULL, 'classnow' => '79', 'page' => NULL, 'id' => 0, 'lang' => 'cn', 'synchronous' => 'cn', 'module' => '2', 'page_title' => '新聞動態(tài)-廣州市科帆電腦軟件有限公司', 'releclass1' => '79', 'releclass2' => NULL, 'releclass3' => NULL, 'name' => '新聞動態(tài)', 'foldername' => 'news', 'filename' => '', 'bigclass' => '0', 'samefile' => '0', 'no_order' => '3', 'wap_ok' => '0', 'wap_nav_ok' => '0', 'if_in' => '0', 'nav' => '3', 'ctitle' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'content' => '', 'description' => '', 'list_order' => '1', 'new_windows' => '0', 'classtype' => '1', 'out_url' => '', 'index_num' => '0', 'access' => '0', 'indeximg' => '', 'columnimg' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/public/images/kf200soft.gif', 'isshow' => '1', 'namemark' => '', 'releclass' => '0', 'display' => '0', 'icon' => '', 'nofollow' => '0', 'sub' => 1, 'url' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/news/', 'target' => '', 'page_keywords' => 'BIM|ERP|Revit|開發(fā)', 'page_description' => '廣州市科帆電腦軟件有限公司', 'list' => 1] )...\web.class.php:366
80.0513918960engine->dodisplay( $file = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\templates/metv6/news.php', $mod = ['class1' => '79', 'class2' => NULL, 'class3' => NULL, 'classnow' => '79', 'page' => NULL, 'id' => 0, 'lang' => 'cn', 'synchronous' => 'cn', 'module' => '2', 'page_title' => '新聞動態(tài)-廣州市科帆電腦軟件有限公司', 'releclass1' => '79', 'releclass2' => NULL, 'releclass3' => NULL, 'name' => '新聞動態(tài)', 'foldername' => 'news', 'filename' => '', 'bigclass' => '0', 'samefile' => '0', 'no_order' => '3', 'wap_ok' => '0', 'wap_nav_ok' => '0', 'if_in' => '0', 'nav' => '3', 'ctitle' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'content' => '', 'description' => '', 'list_order' => '1', 'new_windows' => '0', 'classtype' => '1', 'out_url' => '', 'index_num' => '0', 'access' => '0', 'indeximg' => '', 'columnimg' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/public/images/kf200soft.gif', 'isshow' => '1', 'namemark' => '', 'releclass' => '0', 'display' => '0', 'icon' => '', 'nofollow' => '0', 'sub' => 1, 'url' => 'http://yycjdq111.cn/news/', 'target' => '', 'page_keywords' => 'BIM|ERP|Revit|開發(fā)', 'page_description' => '廣州市科帆電腦軟件有限公司', 'list' => 1] )...\common.class.php:410
90.0516919544kefa_view->display( $tplFile = 'C:\\www\\kf200.cn\\templates/metv6/news.php', $cacheTime = ???, $cachePath = ???, $contentType = ???, $show = ??? )...\engine.class.php:20
100.0566986024include( 'C:\www\kf200.cn\cache\templates\_6d8c08ba.php )...\kefa_view.class.php:112
110.08921191856tag_label->get_page_html( $classnow = '79', $pagenow = 1 )...\_6d8c08ba.php:1011
120.08941192536base_label->get_list_page_html( $classnow = '79', $pagenow = 1 )...\tag_label.class.php:87
130.08941192536news_label->get_page_info_by_class( $id = '79', $type = ??? )...\base_label.class.php:46